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Destructive behavior in dogs

Destructive behavior in dogs

It is normal for dogs to chew objects, dig, and protect their territory. Dogs are diagnosed with a destructive tendency when they destroy objects we don't want, such as furniture, shoes, doors or carpets.

Focus on destructive dogs, their behavior and solutions to remedy it.

Different types of destructive behavior:

Not all destructive behaviors are the same. When a dog chews on the wrong things or digs in the wrong place but shows no other symptoms, this is considered primary destructive behavior .

Dogs that exhibit other symptoms such as anxiety, fear, or aggression , associated with their destructive behavior, are diagnosed with secondary destructive behavior .

Both types of destructive behaviors can lead to health problems (teeth, skin, stomach or intestines) if left untreated.

Symptoms :

It is important to differentiate between a dog who occasionally chews a piece of the sofa and a destructive dog .

To help you, here are some of the most common symptoms:

  • Chew small things left at home
  • Chews on furniture legs or edges
  • Chew or eat houseplants
  • Dig holes in the yard
  • Destroyed doors and windows
  • Chews personal objects (shoes, clothes, etc.).
bored dog

Note that these behaviors can very well occur in the presence but also in the absence of the owner.

The causes of destructive behavior in dogs:

Dogs are such sociable animals that veterinarians recommend never leaving them alone for more than four hours .

Until the first half of the 20th century, most dogs worked for humans, hunting and herding for us all day long. Because our lives have changed so much, so quickly, this is no longer possible.

Dogs were created to work. It's as if we took away their jobs and created unemployed people.

They have much less to do and they need to expend their excess energy. This is what leads, most of the time, to destructive behavior.

The main causes of destructive behavior can be summarized as:

  • lack of daily activity
  • prolonged absence of the owner
  • no or few chew toys

What solutions can be found to resolve destructive behavior in dogs?

As we have seen, the main cause of destructive behavior in dogs is lack of activity and the prolonged absence of the owner.

Obviously, there is no question of stopping working to devote yourself entirely to your dog.

The idea is rather to provide your dog with things that your dog can chew without risk. He will then abandon furniture and other personal objects.

Some plastic toys don't last very long, so the best thing is to offer him natural treats .

Without harmful substances, with a high palatability and good for your health, natural treats for dogs have many benefits and are therefore ideal for destructive dogs whatever their breed.

If, despite this, your dog's destructive behavior persists, consulting a veterinarian becomes essential.


  • Le bois de cerf, mon chien adore et passe beaucoup de temps à le croquer. Génial à conseiller

    bendrell on

  • Très belle article, de très bons conseils sont donnés.

    GUILLET on

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