Sponsorship regulations
Sponsorship regulations
Article 1: Organizing company
The sponsorship operation is organized by the company Junih Dog Store registered in the commercial register 877 780 999. For any further information, you can contact us at the following email address: info@junihdogstore.com.
The company We Love Customers SAS, established at 22 avenue du Connétable, 35410 CHATEAUGIRON and registered with the RCS of RENNES: 820 816 494, intervenes on the technical part.
Article 2: Dates and deadlines for the sponsorship operation
The sponsorship operation runs from 01/03/18 until an indefinite period. Only sponsorships complete on this date will be counted. The organizing company reserves the right to modify these regulations (and in particular) the dates of the sponsorship operation without notice.
Article 3: Conditions of participation
The sponsorship operation is open to all / limited to the company's customers only]. To sponsor, you must be over 18 years old and resident in mainland France.
Article 4: Sponsorship conditions
For a sponsorship to be considered valid, the sponsored child must be a new client of the organizing company. [In addition, he must make a purchase of an untaxed amount, within 30 days of the invitation from his sponsor.
Article 5: Offers and rewards
The offer granted to referrals is an immediate reduction of €5. This offer cannot be combined with other offers. It is valid for any new customer of the organizing company making their first order thanks to customer sponsorship. The rewards sent to sponsors for all validated sponsorships are immediate reductions of €5. The rewards obtained by a sponsor are personal and cannot be combined with each other or with other commercial offers. These rewards are sent within 1 week depending on the validation and verification of the referrals' order and in particular their non-withdrawal. [The organizing company reserves the right to modify the rewards without notice, particularly in the event of unavailability.]
Article 6: Reservations, fraud and spam
Any fraud, or attempted fraud will be subject to prosecution in accordance with the provisions of articles 313-1 et seq. of the Penal Code. Spamming (sending unsolicited or irrelevant emails or SMS messages to groups of people) is prohibited for the smooth running of the operation. The organizing company reserves the right to permanently exclude from the sponsorship operation any user who is reported to it as not respecting this rule. Thus, the sponsor takes sole responsibility for providing the contact details of his godchildren to the organizing company. He undertakes to only provide the contact details of relatives likely to be interested in the products and services of the organizing company for which he has previously obtained explicit consent from the godchild.
Article 7: Information technology and freedoms
In accordance with the Data Protection Act of 06/01/78, participants have the right to access and rectify personal data concerning them by writing to the organizing company. Article 8: Applicable law and acceptance of the regulations
These sponsorship regulations will be governed by French law. In the event of a dispute arising in connection with the sponsorship operation of the organizing company, the Annecy court will have sole jurisdiction. Participants declare that they understand and fully accept these regulations relating to the sponsorship operation.